Articles - legal articles in various subjects

Tips for dealing with Litigants in Person
Mad Lemming`s blog - right some financial wrongs
“Every man who is his own lawyer,” the English writer Henry Kett said, “has a fool for a client.” But what if you d…
RT @jameshurley: Is the UK banking sector about to be hit with a US-style "robo-signature" scandal?
RT @4reform: #PGcrimes Now all the crimes (like forgeries) are coming out, it is going to be very difficult to seek a fair resol…
RT @janea216: @andyverity It's as plain as the nose on my face - banks think they own signatures. What really annoys me is the le…
RT @lawsocgazette: SRA asks ‘small number’ of solicitors why they have refused to engage with new light-touch system for assessing con…
RT @APPGbanking: Being on the DRS has meant that along with @SMEAllianceLtd we have had constructive progress to expand eligibility.…
RT @LawCentres: Home Office is secretly resurrecting in new guise a "discriminatory policy" to deport rough sleepers - despite our…